Friday, June 8, 2007

Dreams About Houses

Dreams about houses are among the most common. Dreams, both of familiar and unfamiliar houses, are great fun to interpret, and they can even reveal clues into the personality of the dreamer. Clues like whether the house is familiar or strange, comforting or scary, in good repair or falling down, provide interesting insights into the dreamer’s conscious mind.
In addition, each room of the house is a specific symbolic element all its own. Dreaming of one room over another provides clues into your state of mind, your fears, and your anxieties. Let’s start our room by room examination of your “dream house”.
The Attic

The attic is thought to symbolize your higher self, or your spiritual development. Dreams involving an attic, or climbing into an attic, often represent the search for spiritual enlightenment or a higher purpose.

The Bathroom

Dreaming of a bathroom can mean that something is not quite right in your life, and that a cleansing or purging is needed. It can also mean that something in your life is not working, and that you need to move on.

The Kitchen

The kitchen can symbolize the need for nourishment, either in the form of food, or nourishment of the soul through spiritual pursuits. What is in your dream kitchen can be revealing as well. If the kitchen contains all that is needed for a gourmet meal, it can mean that you have all you need in life. If, on the other hand the cupboard is bare of the kitchen is empty, it could mean you need to seek nourishment for your body and your soul.

The Dining Room

Dreaming of the dining room is similar to dreaming of the kitchen, but the dining room tends to symbolize a more immediate need for physical or spiritual nourishment.

The Living Room

The living room is a symbol of your normal daily interactions with the other people in your life. Dreams often include meetings with many other people in the main room or living room of the house.

The Bedroom
Dreams of the bedroom can take several turns. They can be concerned with issues of rest, or with issues of repressed sexuality.

The Upstairs

The upstairs of your “dream house” is often a symbol of your spiritual awakening or your higher self. Dreaming of going upstairs can symbolize a desire for more spirituality or religious fulfillment.

The Downstairs

The downstairs, or basement of the house often symbolizes your subconscious minds and hidden desires. Dreaming of the basement, especially if the dreams are disturbing, is often an attempt to deal with negative aspects of your life or your personality.

The Ground Floor

The ground floor is often seen as a symbol of the current events and daily agenda of your life, or the mundane, everyday aspects of your existence.

Old, Familiar Houses

Revisiting an old, familiar house, or a childhood home, often represents a longing to return to a simpler time. Dreams of childhood homes can also occur when old issues from childhood are resurfacing in your life. Events such as school reunions, or unexpectedly meeting someone from your childhood, can trigger dreams of childhood and childhood houses.

The Hallway

A hallway in a dream can often symbolize the need for a journey to an unfamiliar place in your life, or the need to explore unexplored issues.

The Porch

The porch is often seen as a symbol of being undecided about something in your life. The porch can also be seen as a symbol of being withdrawn, uncommitted and unable to make a decision.

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